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New journal article on the far-reaching implications of potentially rolling-back Environmental Licensing and Impact Assessment in Brazil

  Simone Athayde and colleagues wrote a recent article on the far-reaching implications of the potential setback in environmental impact assessment and environmental licensing legislation in Brazil. The article was recently published in the Environmental Impact Assessment Review. The article is co-authored by Profs. Alberto Fonseca, Suely Araújo, Amarilis Gallardo, Evandro Moretto, and Luis Sánchez. […]

Two Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions at U. of Stirling: develop decision-support tools to forecast, mitigate, and resolve conflicts of hydropower dams

2 postdoctoral positions available at University of Stirling with Dr. Isabel Jones Full time, Fixed term contract until 31 July 2024 (with the possibility of a short extension) The closing date for applications is midnight on Tuesday 01 March 2022 Interviews are expected to take place on Monday 21 March 2022 Two Postdoctoral Research Fellow […]

New e-book: Balancing Hydropower and Freshwater Environments in the Global South

New e-book: Balancing Hydropower and Freshwater Environments in the Global South Edited by Lee J. Baumgartner, Pierre Girard, David Kaplan and Walter Collischonn 13 articles from 78 authors at https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/12249/balancing-hydropower-and-freshwater-environments-in-the-global-south#articles Until recently, most research on the connections between dams and freshwater ecosystems has focused on the Northern hemisphere; this Frontiers in Environmental Science research topic […]

New paper: Functional responses of fisheries to hydropower dams in the Amazonian Floodplain of the Madeira River

New paper: Functional responses of fisheries to hydropower dams in the Amazonian Floodplain of the Madeira River This new paper finds that dams affect the functional composition of fisheries yields and reduce catches, negatively impacting fishing-based income of communities in the Amazon. Authors: Caroline C. Arantes, Juliana Laufer, Mac David da Silva Pinto, Emilio F. […]

Methodological Deepening Days – First meeting Nov 12, 2021: Independent Monitoring of Fisheries

The Methodological Deepening Days are an initiative promoted in partnership by the Independent Territorial Monitoring Network, the Citizen Science Network for the Amazon and the International Amazon Dam Research Network, which seeks to deepen the debate and research on independent monitoring methodologies through exchanges qualified. This first cycle of meetings has as its theme the Independent […]

Climate change threatens hydropower energy security in the Amazon basin

A new paper in Global Environmental Change led by Rafael Almeida examines the implications of climate change for hydropower production in the Amazon Basin. Projected changes in river discharge regimes will have serious implications for the reliability and cost-effectiveness of hydropower in many locations, suggesting that alternative energy sources such as wind and solar would […]

The impacts of hydroelectric dams on Amazonian artisanal fisheries from the perspective of socio-ecological systems

  O artigo “Os impactos das barragens hidrelétricas na pesca artesanal amazônica sob o olhar dos sistemas socioecológicos”, com autoria de Ramos Júnior e outros, foi publicado na Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais. Os autores observaram que o sistema pesqueiro da região amazônica foi afetado pela construção de barragens hidrelétricas. A pesquisa mostrou ainda que […]

Ebook: Regional Development in the Amazon: Infrastructure, Human Capital, Income and Work

Desenvolvimento Regional na Amazônia: Infraestrutura, Capital Humano, Renda e Trabalho Apresentamos esse livro que reúne trabalhos de vários pesquisadores e tem como objeto de estudo o Desenvolvimento Regional no contexto amazônico. Este e-book completa um projeto de publicação colaborativa entre um grupo de pesquisadores e amigos, inclusive de instituições amazônicas parceiras da RBA. Este faz […]

Ebook: Mining Dams in the Amazon: Tailings and Associated Risks in Oriximiná

BARRAGENS DE MINERAÇÃO NA AMAZÔNIA: O REJEITO E SEUS RISCOS ASSOCIADOS EM ORIXIMINÁ Autor, Luiz Jardim Wanderley Apresentamos este livro recentemente publicado, que é parte de um número de uma coletânea de estudos voltados a impactos em território amazônico. O objetivo dessa edição é tornar a realidade das barragens de mineração de Oriximiná (Pará-Brasil) mais […]

Ebook: Hydroelectric Developments: Migration, Resettlements, Social Participation and Inclusive Community Development

DICA DE LEITURA E REFERENCIAS NO TEMA BARRAGENS O livro “Empreendimentos hidrelétricos: migrações, reassentamentos, participação social e desenvolvimento comunitário inclusivo“, organizado pelos pesquisadores Jorge Alexandre Neves, Felipe Nunes dos Santos e Nilton Fernandes de Oliveira. Editado pela Fino Traço, a obra reúne 12 capítulos organizados em duas partes. A primeira parte busca fundamentar as questões […]