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Chapter 3.3 – Climate change impacts on Native American water resources: engaging in culture-based solutions

Impactos das mudanças climáticas nas águas dos povos Nativos Americanos: engajamento em soluções baseadas na cultura O capítulo 3.3 – seção 3 do livro, versa sobre uma pesquisa coordenada pelo grupo da Dra. Karletta Chief, sobre o impacto do derramamento da mina Gold King no Rio San Juan. Foram investigados os impactos do derramamento sob […]

New paper: “Stakeholder Perceptions on the Governance of Fisheries Systems Transformed by Hydroelectric Dam Development in the Madeira River, Brazil”

New paper by ADN members and colleagues Carolina R. C. Doria, Jynessa Dutka-Gianelli, Mariluce Paes de Souza, Kai Lorenzen and Simone Athayde Link to paper ABSTRACT Hydroelectric dams often have significant impacts on freshwater fisheries. Major impacts are known to be driven by changes in river hydrology and fish ecology, but the role of governance […]

Forgetting people in energy development of Belo Monte and other dams

Rios, Terras e Culturas: aprendendo com o Sistema Socioecológico do Tocantins (Rivers, lands and cultures: Learning from the Tocantins Social-ecological System) Juliana Laufer; Elineide E. Marques; Simone Athayde; A. Christine Swanson; Ana Daisy A. Zagallo (Orgs.) Chapter 3.2 is entitled “Forgetting people in energy development of Belo Monte and other dams”. This chapter shows that […]

Hydroelectric dams and Amazonian traditional peoples: elements for a preliminary and introductory prognosis

Rios, Terras e Culturas: aprendendo com o Sistema Socioecológico do Tocantins (Rivers, lands and cultures: Learning from the Tocantins Social-ecological System) Juliana Laufer; Elineide E. Marques; Simone Athayde; A. Christine Swanson; Ana Daisy A. Zagallo (Orgs.) The third section of this ebook, “Speaking to the experts (the experience of researchers)”, consists of four chapters, adapted […]

New paper on rethinking dams / in-stream turbines

New paper out in the journal Nature Sustainability: In-stream turbines for rethinking hydropower development in the Amazon basin by Suyog Chaudhari, Erik Brown, Raul Quispe-Abad, Emilio Moran, Norbert Müller & Yadu Pokhrel. Abstract Given growing energy demands and continued interest in hydropower development, it is important that we rethink hydropower to avoid detrimental socioenvironmental consequences […]

Chapter 2.3: River values, uses and decision-making

Os rios estão intimamente ligados à vida das pessoas, às estratégias de subsistência e à espiritualidade, além de abrigar uma impressionante diversidade de seres, culturas e relações humanas. O capítulo 2.3 “Valores e usos dos rios e tomada de decisão”, relata um exercício realizado com participantes da Rede Internacional de Pesquisa em Barragens Amazônicas durante […]

A river unites indigenous peoples of the Americas: a cultural exchange on the legacy of the impacts of hydroelectric dams on the Colorado and Tocantins rivers

“A river unites indigenous peoples of the Americas: a cultural exchange on the legacy of the impacts of hydroelectric dams on the Colorado and Tocantins rivers” is the second chapter of Section 2 of the E-book. The text summarizes intercultural exchange activities carried out between the Indigenous Xerente peoples and representatives of the Indigenous North […]

Learning from the other: perceptions and exchanges of knowledge on a field trip to traditional communities downstream of the Power Plant Lajeado hydroelectric (Tocantins River, Brazil)

The second section of the e-book, titled ′′ Transdisciplinary Learning “, comprises three articles, in this post we’ll talk about the first ′′ Learning from the other: perceptions and exchanges of knowledge on a field trip to traditional communities downstream of the Power Plant Lajeado hydroelectric (Tocantins River, Brazil) “. This text brings the perception […]

Assessment of inter-and trans-disciplinary collaboration between participants of the International Network of Amazon Dam Research (RBA): initial results of the Palmas workshop

The latest article in the first section of the e-book is an ′′Assessment of inter-and trans-disciplinary collaboration between participants of the International Network of Amazon Dam Research (RBA): initial results of the Palmas workshop”. The lifting showed that network members generally conduct a positive attitude towards international research and collaboration and currently engage or have […]

Making academic language more accessible to people who have no contact with scientific writing

Neste vídeo, um grupo de estudantes apresenta resultados de um projeto cujo objetivo é tornar a linguagem acadêmica mais acessível às pessoas que não têm contato com a escrita científica. Trata-se de uma importante ferramenta de governança para auxiliar na consciência da comunidade geral sobre questões pertinentes inacessíveis, contribuindo no processo de decisão livre e […]