
Chapter 2.3: River values, uses and decision-making

Os rios estão intimamente ligados à vida das pessoas, às estratégias de subsistência e à espiritualidade, além de abrigar uma impressionante diversidade de seres, culturas e relações humanas. O capítulo 2.3 “Valores e usos dos rios e tomada de decisão”, relata um exercício realizado com participantes da Rede Internacional de Pesquisa em Barragens Amazônicas durante o workshop Palmas 2018, enfocando os valores, métodos e métricas dos rios para avaliar esses valores e implicações para o gerenciamento e a tomada de decisões. Os participantes foram convidados a descrever três aspectos que mais valorizam em um ambiente fluvial e a declarar como eles mediriam, descreveriam ou monitorariam esses valores. A discussão e a análise evidenciaram a natureza pluralista dos valores mantidos pelos grupos humanos em conexão com os ambientes fluviais, cuja mensuração, avaliação e realização exigem uma diversidade de métodos e métricas, análises participativas de trade-off e processos adaptativos.

Rivers are closely connected to people’s lives, livelihood strategies and spirituality. The interconnected web of Amazonian rivers, forests and savannas is home to an impressive diversity of people, cultures and human relationships. The chapter 2.3 “River values, uses and decision-making”, reports on an exercise conducted with Amazon Dams International Research Network participants during the 2018 Palmas workshop, focusing on river values, methods and metrics to assess these values, and implications for management and decision-making. This article Participants were asked to describe three aspects they most value in a river environment, and to state how they would measure, describe or monitor these values. Discussion and analysis provided evidence for the pluralistic nature of values held by different groups in connection to river environments. Measurement, assessment and realization of these values requires a diversity of methods and metrics, participatory trade-off analyses and adaptive processes.

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We note that for each chapter the Portuguese version is followed immediately by the English version.

A river unites indigenous peoples of the Americas: a cultural exchange on the legacy of the impacts of hydroelectric dams on the Colorado and Tocantins rivers

“A river unites indigenous peoples of the Americas: a cultural exchange on the legacy of the impacts of hydroelectric dams on the Colorado and Tocantins rivers” is the second chapter of Section 2 of the E-book.
The text summarizes intercultural exchange activities carried out between the Indigenous Xerente peoples and representatives of the Indigenous North American peoples of the Navajo Nation, the Colville Tribes Confederation, and the Pascua Yaqui tribe, in addition to Brazilian and American teachers, researchers and students of various areas, universities and institutions of the United States and Brazil. During the tour, participants gathered to exchange experiences related to territorial management and rivers in general and, more specifically, the socioecological effects of building hydroelectric dams on indigenous lands, rivers and local ways of life. The Xerente and Indigenous visitors exchanged tributes and gifts, and the Xerente submitted a memorandum of intention expressing their gratitude and willingness to continue promoting and participating in exchanges like this.
We note that for each chapter the Portuguese version is followed immediately by the English version.

Learning from the other: perceptions and exchanges of knowledge on a field trip to traditional communities downstream of the Power Plant Lajeado hydroelectric (Tocantins River, Brazil)

The second section of the e-book, titled ′′ Transdisciplinary Learning “, comprises three articles, in this post we’ll talk about the first ′′ Learning from the other: perceptions and exchanges of knowledge on a field trip to traditional communities downstream of the Power Plant Lajeado hydroelectric (Tocantins River, Brazil) “.

This text brings the perception of academics and non-academics who participated in a field activity in the municipality of Miracema do Tocantins (Brazil), in an excerpt of the Tocantins River about 20 km downstream of the Lajeado Hydroelectric Power Plant, for the purpose to stimulate the exchange of knowledge between professionals from different areas and fishermen and fishermen and residents rivers of the region. Interaction between the participants took place freely during the river boat trip. The perception of those involved was recorded before and after the activity was carried out. The initiative showed the importance of the field for understanding socio-environmental issues and the expectation of return created in the community from opening dialogue.

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We note that for each chapter the Portuguese version is followed immediately by the English version.

Assessment of inter-and trans-disciplinary collaboration between participants of the International Network of Amazon Dam Research (RBA): initial results of the Palmas workshop

The latest article in the first section of the e-book is an ′′Assessment of inter-and trans-disciplinary collaboration between participants of the International Network of Amazon Dam Research (RBA): initial results of the Palmas workshop”. The lifting showed that network members generally conduct a positive attitude towards international research and collaboration and currently engage or have engaged in multi, inter and transdisciplinary work.

It also showed that most network researchers are strongly connected to each other, both collaborating and communicating about dam related works. Thus, initial discoveries indicate that the RBA is developing inter-and trans-disciplinary collaboration, as evidenced in the various ways in which different members interact with researchers from different disciplines, along with government and community entities.

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We note that for each chapter the Portuguese version is followed immediately by the English version.

Debate sobre conhecimento e políticas públicas: desafios e oportunidades para melhorar a tomada de decisão e a governança socioambiental na Amazônia

O terceiro artigo do e-book “Rios, Terras e Culturas: Aprendendo com o Sistema Socioecológico do Tocantins”, fala sobre como diferentes conhecimentos e políticas públicas voltados ao desenvolvimento de projetos de infraestrutura da Amazônia estão conectados a partir de diversas perspectivas. Os setores não governamentais indicam desconexão entre a tomada de decisões sobre infraestrutura e o conhecimento científico e indígena relacionado às áreas de impacto, e recomendam a expansão da pesquisa baseada em sistemas, envolvendo as comunidades locais como colaboradores de pesquisa, ampliando os esforços para monitorar os impactos e promovendo a colaboração e comunicação entre os setores em múltiplos estágios, desde a consulta inicial até o processo de monitoramento de impacto.

Link para Download:

Ressaltamos que para cada capítulo a versão em português é seguida imediatamente pela versão em inglês.


Knowledge and policy debate: challenges and opportunities for improving socio-environmental decision-making and governance in the Amazon

The third article of the e-book “Rivers, Lands and Cultures: Learning from the Socioecological System of Tocantins” discusses how different types of knowledge and public policies related to the development of infrastructure projects in the Amazon are connected. The non-governmental sectors suggest there is a disconnect between infrastructure decision-making and the scientific and Indigenous knowledge related to the areas of impact. All sector participants agreed on the desire for more collaboration, particularly in the early planning stages of projects. Recommendations emphasize expanding systems-based research, involving local communities as research collaborators, extending efforts to monitor impacts, and furthering collaboration and communication between sectors at multiple stages, from initial consultation to the impact-monitoring process.


We emphasize that for each chapter the version in Portuguese is followed immediately by the version in English.

E-book: Rios, Terras e Culturas: aprendendo com o sistema socioecológico do Tocantins

Rios, terras e culturas: aprendendo com o Sistema Sócio-ecológico do Tocantins

Juliana Laufer; Elineide E. Marques; Simone Athayde; A. Christine Swanson; Ana Daisy A. Zagallo (Orgs.)

Nas abordagens inter e transdisciplinares de temas socioecológicos, a promoção de diálogos consistentes entre atores permanece um desafio. Apesar desses diálogos serem crescentes à medida que a diversidade sociocultural, os conflitos socioecológicos e a competição pela ocupação de ambientes aumentam, os desafios pedagógicos oportunizam o aprendizado coletivo. Visando contribuir para enfrentar esses desafios, a publicação “Rios, Terras e Culturas: Aprendendo com o Sistema Socioecológico do Tocantins” reúne experiências inter e transdisciplinares compartilhadas pelos participantes de um workshop homônimo, realizado pela Rede Internacional de Pesquisa em Barragens Amazônicas de 14 a 18 de maio de 2018, em Palmas-TO, Brasil. Para além dos textos produzidos, a experiência de compartilhar, sensibilizar e aprender de modo recíproco com atores envolvidos com a construção de barragens hidrelétricas em diferentes escalas (local, regional, nacional e internacional), soma-se às reflexões a respeito do processo como um todo, desde o planejamento, financiamento, licenciamento, implementação, compensação, monitoramento e efeitos pós-barragens, entre outros aspectos.

In inter- and transdisciplinary approaches of social-ecological themes, promoting consistent dialogues between actors remain a challenge. Even though these dialogues are expanding with increased sociocultural diversity, socio-environmental conflicts and competition for land, pedagogic challenges open-up opportunities for collective learning. The texts contained in this publication: “Rivers, Lands and Cultures: Learning from the Tocantins Social-ecological System”, bring together the inter- and transdisciplinary experiences shared by participants in a workshop of the same name held by the Amazon Dams International Research Network from May 14 to 18, 2018 in Palmas-TO, Brazil. In addition to the texts produced, the experience of sharing, sensibilizing and co-learning with actors involved in the implementation of hydroelectric dams at different scales (local, regional, national and international), contributed to reflections about the whole process, including planning, financing, licensing, implementation, compensation, monitoring, post-dam effects and other aspects.



ISBN: 978-65-87340-19-7

DOI – 10.22350 / 9786587340197

Nº de pág .: 865