New journal article on the far-reaching implications of potentially rolling-back Environmental Licensing and Impact Assessment in Brazil


Simone Athayde and colleagues wrote a recent article on the far-reaching implications of the potential setback in environmental impact assessment and environmental licensing legislation in Brazil. The article was recently published in the Environmental Impact Assessment Review. The article is co-authored by Profs. Alberto Fonseca, Suely Araújo, Amarilis Gallardo, Evandro Moretto, and Luis Sánchez.

Viewpoint: The far-reaching dangers of rolling back environmental licensing and impact assessment legislation in Brazil



In the context of compounding health, environmental, and climatic crises, Brazil may witness two of its most important environmental policy instruments, environmental licensing and impact assessment, be severely weakened. On May 13, 2021, the Chamber of Deputies passed a new General Law of Environmental Licensing, ignoring the concerns of civil society, scientists, and other relevant parties. If approved by the Senate and ratified by President Bolsonaro, this law will further undermine Brazil’s increasingly fragile environmental protection and public participation in decision-making. Here, we review the bill’s main provisions, highlighting potential far-reaching implications for environmental protection and governance, public participation in decision-making, and human rights in Brazil and beyond. Scientists can play an important role in debunking misinformation and advising Senators and the public opinion on the bill’s dangerous effects.

Link to article…


Two Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions at U. of Stirling: develop decision-support tools to forecast, mitigate, and resolve conflicts of hydropower dams

2 postdoctoral positions available at University of Stirling with Dr. Isabel Jones

Full time, Fixed term contract until 31 July 2024 (with the possibility of a short extension)

The closing date for applications is midnight on Tuesday 01 March 2022
Interviews are expected to take place on Monday 21 March 2022

Two Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions are available within a new interdisciplinary project “The Beacon Project: using Biodiversity and Energy justice to resolve Conflicts between UN Sustainable Development Goals” (funded through the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship programme) in the department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Stirling. The posts will be based in Stirling and post holders will be integral to the £1.2million project, working with key stakeholders and project partners across five continents.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promote global economic and social prosperity while simultaneously seeking to protect the environment. However, our increasing global energy demand challenges whether we can have secure, affordable and equitable energy without adversely affecting people and the environment. Such trade-offs between SDGs – and conflicts between stakeholders with differing sustainable development priorities – is a pressing issue from local to global scales that precludes equitably achieving the 2030 sustainable development targets.

The Beacon Project (Biodiversity Energy justice And CONflict) uses hydropower dam development as a model system: post holders will take a whole-systems approach, integrating biodiversity and the theory of energy justice, to explore conflicts and trade-offs between SDGs and stakeholders at local to global scales. A main goal of The Beacon Project is to generate new decision-support tools to forecast, mitigate and resolve conflicts and other challenges associated with equitable sustainable development processes.

The posts are being advertised as full-time, though discussions surrounding the possibility for part-time working are welcomed. Informal enquires should be sent to Dr Isabel Jones

Role 1
Equity in decision-making: exploring the social-environmental dimensions of SDG trade-offs and conflicts from local to global scales, with a focus on hydropower dams.

Role 2
Indicators of SDG conflict at local to global scales: integrating Earth observation, biodiversity, socio-economic and socio-ecological data, with a focus on hydropower dams.

New e-book: Balancing Hydropower and Freshwater Environments in the Global South

New e-book: Balancing Hydropower and Freshwater Environments in the Global South

Edited by Lee J. Baumgartner, Pierre Girard, David Kaplan and Walter Collischonn

13 articles from 78 authors at

Until recently, most research on the connections between dams and freshwater ecosystems has focused on the Northern hemisphere; this Frontiers in Environmental Science research topic seeks to address this gap. The articles in the research topic ask several key questions related to the hydrological, ecological, social, and economic values of rivers and dams in the southern hemisphere: What ecosystem services are gained and lost with hydropower development? Over what time frame are impacts realized? Who “wins” and “loses” as these trade-offs are made?

New paper: Functional responses of fisheries to hydropower dams in the Amazonian Floodplain of the Madeira River

New paper: Functional responses of fisheries to hydropower dams in the Amazonian Floodplain of the Madeira River

This new paper finds that dams affect the functional composition of fisheries yields and reduce catches, negatively impacting fishing-based income of communities in the Amazon.

Authors: Caroline C. Arantes, Juliana Laufer, Mac David da Silva Pinto, Emilio F. Moran, Maria Claudia Lopez, Jynessa Dutka-Gianelli, Danielle Mendonça Pinto, Suyog Chaudhari, Yadu Pokhrel, and Carolina R. C. Doria

Read more at:

Methodological Deepening Days – First meeting Nov 12, 2021: Independent Monitoring of Fisheries

The Methodological Deepening Days are an initiative promoted in partnership by the Independent Territorial Monitoring Network, the Citizen Science Network for the Amazon and the International Amazon Dam Research Network, which seeks to deepen the debate and research on independent monitoring methodologies through exchanges qualified. This first cycle of meetings has as its theme the Independent Monitoring of Fisheries in Amazon Basins. For more information, suggestions or comments, access the initiative’s virtual wall.

Nov 12, 2021 10:00 AM (Sao Paulo time zone)

Zoom meeting registration:

This initiative conducted by the three networks seeks to foster debate and research through qualified exchanges about different mobilized methodologies and common challenges and, through discussions and systematization of experiences, hopes to address demands and gaps, and systematize learning. The product of this collective effort will be a synthesis publication of the learnings and recommendations for strengthening independent monitoring of fisheries in basins of the Amazon region, from the exchanges carried out.

Climate change threatens hydropower energy security in the Amazon basin

A new paper in Global Environmental Change led by Rafael Almeida examines the implications of climate change for hydropower production in the Amazon Basin. Projected changes in river discharge regimes will have serious implications for the reliability and cost-effectiveness of hydropower in many locations, suggesting that alternative energy sources such as wind and solar would be wise investments in place of an excessive dependence on hydropower alone. Excerpts from a press release and link to the open-access paper are below.

From EurekaAlert! press release:

Hydropower is the dominant source of energy in the Amazon region, the world’s largest river basin and a hotspot for future hydropower development. However, a new Global Environmental Change study warns that in the coming decades, climate change-driven reductions in precipitation and river discharge will diminish the Amazon’s hydropower capacity.

The study’s authors examined 351 proposed hydropower projects in the Amazon basin. Their findings suggest that hydrologic shifts by midcentury will reduce hydropower generation at many locations. As river discharge becomes increasingly variable and hydropower output declines, alternative energy sources like solar and wind are expected to become ever more important.

Lead author Rafael Almeida, a postdoctoral researcher at Cornell University who was formerly a visiting graduate student at Cary, explains, “Run-of-river hydropower dams are designed to operate within a particular range of flows. Flows that are too low won’t generate power, and flows that are too high must be ‘spilled’, causing problems, and not generating extra power. As the Brazilian Amazon experiences more variability in precipitation, with higher ‘highs’, lower ‘lows’, and fewer periods of optimal flow, it will mean proposed hydropower plants will operate at full capacity less often.”

Link to full paper.

The impacts of hydroelectric dams on Amazonian artisanal fisheries from the perspective of socio-ecological systems


O artigo “Os impactos das barragens hidrelétricas na pesca artesanal amazônica sob o olhar dos sistemas socioecológicos”, com autoria de Ramos Júnior e outros, foi publicado na Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais. Os autores observaram que o sistema pesqueiro da região amazônica foi afetado pela construção de barragens hidrelétricas. A pesquisa mostrou ainda que a defasagem de informações sobre os impactos ambientais causados por essas construções pode comprometer o desenvolvimento das medidas compensatórias. Roteiro: Juliana Rocha Gravação e edição: Roni Lima

The article “ The impacts of hydroelectric dams on Amazonian artisanal fisheries from the perspective of socio-ecological systems ”, by Ramos Júnior and others, was published in the Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais. The authors noted that the fishery system in the Amazon region was affected by the construction of hydroelectric dams. The research also showed that the lack of information about the environmental impacts caused by these constructions can compromise the development of compensatory measures.

Link to full article:

Link to video:



Ebook: Regional Development in the Amazon: Infrastructure, Human Capital, Income and Work

Desenvolvimento Regional na Amazônia: Infraestrutura, Capital Humano, Renda e Trabalho

Apresentamos esse livro que reúne trabalhos de vários pesquisadores e tem como objeto de estudo o Desenvolvimento Regional no contexto amazônico. Este e-book completa um projeto de publicação colaborativa entre um grupo de pesquisadores e amigos, inclusive de instituições amazônicas parceiras da RBA. Este faz parte de uma coletânea juntamente com os outros dois e-books anteriormente publicados, que são: AMAZÔNIA: Desafios e Perspectivas para o Desenvolvimento Regional (2014) e AMAZÔNIA: Aspectos Singulares para o Desenvolvimento Regional (2019), este livro intitulado: DESENVOLVIMENTO REGIONAL NA AMAZÔNIA: Infraestrutura, Capital Humano, Renda e Trabalho, apresenta como característica principal a composição por artigos científicos construídos por docentes, discentes, pesquisadores e amigos que discutem em seus estudos e pesquisas temas ligados à temática do livro. Este e-book assim como os demais trabalhos deste grupo tem o seu acesso livre para pesquisas e leitura de forma a ser um objeto de compartilhamento de informação e conhecimento agregado acerca dos temas aqui abordados. Desejamos uma excelente leitura e reflexão acerca dos artigos aqui compartilhados.

O E-book pode ser acessado pelo link:


Regional Development in the Amazon: Infrastructure, Human Capital, Income and Work

We present this book that brings together papers by several researchers and has as its main object of study the Regional Development in the Amazon context. This e-book completes a collaborative publishing project between a group of researchers and their friends, including RBA Amazon institutions partners. This is part of a collection along with the other two previously published e-books, which are: AMAZÔNIA: Challenges and Perspectives for Regional Development (2014) and AMAZÔNIA: Unique Aspects for Regional Development (2019), this book entitled: DEVELOPMENT AMAZON REGIONAL: Infrastructure, Human Capital, Income and Work, has as its main characteristic the composition of scientific articles written by professors, students, researchers and friends who discuss in their studies and research some themes related to the topic of the book. This e-book, as well as the other papers of that group, has free access for research and reading with the aim to be an object for sharing information and aggregated knowledge about the topics covered here.

We wish you an excellent reading and reflection on the articles shared here.

The E-book can be accessed through the link:

Ebook: Mining Dams in the Amazon: Tailings and Associated Risks in Oriximiná


Autor, Luiz Jardim Wanderley

Apresentamos este livro recentemente publicado, que é parte de um número de uma coletânea de estudos voltados a impactos em território amazônico. O objetivo dessa edição é tornar a realidade das barragens de mineração de Oriximiná (Pará-Brasil) mais conhecida e melhor compreendida, além de contribuir com o debate mais amplo sobre os custos socioambientais da mineração na Amazônia. A grandiosidade do empreendimento e a gestão dos rejeitos produzidos pela maior produtora de bauxita do Brasil, da Mineração Rio do Norte (MRN), que há 41 anos extrai o minério no interior do Pará, no município de Oriximiná, se reflete nas estruturas necessárias para armazenar os rejeitos que ficarão para sempre na Amazônia, numa área que já foi floresta nativa. São 26 barragens de rejeito já instaladas, uma em construção e, ao menos, mais dez novas previstas. Um debate importante, pois assim como as barragens hidrelétricas, as de minérios se instalam a cada dia no território amazônico e os custos socioambientais se repetem.

O E-book pode encontrado no link:…/SerieEstudos_BarragensMineracao.pdf



Author, Luiz Jardim Wanderley

We present this recently published book, which is part of a collection of studies focused on impacts in the Amazon territory. The objective of this edition is to explore the reality of the mining dams in Oriximiná (Pará-Brasil) and make it better known and better understood, in addition, to contribute to the broader debate on the socio-environmental costs of mining in the Amazon. The grandiosity of the project and the management of the tailings produced by the largest bauxite producer in Brazil, Mineração Rio do Norte (MRN), which for 41 years has been extracting ore in the interior of Pará, in the municipality of Oriximiná, which is reflected in the structures necessary for storage of the scraps that will remain forever in the Amazon forest, in an area that was once native forest. There are 26 tailings dams already installed, one under construction and at least ten new ones planned. It is an important debate, because like hydroelectric dams, mineral dams are installed every day in the Amazon territory and the socio-environmental costs are repeated.

The E-book can be found at the link:…/SerieEstudos_BarragensMineracao.pdf

Ebook: Hydroelectric Developments: Migration, Resettlements, Social Participation and Inclusive Community Development


O livro “Empreendimentos hidrelétricos: migrações, reassentamentos, participação social e desenvolvimento comunitário inclusivo“, organizado pelos pesquisadores Jorge Alexandre Neves, Felipe Nunes dos Santos e Nilton Fernandes de Oliveira. Editado pela Fino Traço, a obra reúne 12 capítulos organizados em duas partes. A primeira parte busca fundamentar as questões da participação social e do desenvolvimento comunitário inclusivo, trazendo uma perspectiva teórica sobre tais conceitos. De abordagem empírica, a segunda parte se constitui por estudos de caso onde se discute os impactos e desdobramentos dos processos socioambientais decorrentes da instalação de empreendimentos hidrelétricos no Brasil.
Acesse a obra no link


The book “Hydroelectric ventures: migrations, resettlement, social participation and inclusive community development” is organized by researchers Jorge Alexandre Neves, Felipe Nunes dos Santos, and Nilton Fernandes de Oliveira, and edited by Fino Trace. The work brings together 12 chapters organized in two parts. The first part seeks to fund the issues of social participation and inclusive community development, bringing a theoretical perspective on such concepts. With an empirical approach, the second part contains case studies discussing the impacts and unfolding of socio-environmental processes arising from the installation of hydroelectric ventures in Brazil.
Visit the work at this link