Recent relevant publications by ADN/RBA researchers and participants (by chronological order):


Anderson, E. P., Jenkins, C. N., Heilpern, S., Maldonado-Ocampo, J. A., Carvajal-Vallejos, F. M., Encalada, A. C., … Tedesco, P. A. 2018. Fragmentation of Andes-to-Amazon connectivity by hydropower dams. Science Advances, 4(1). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aao1642

Jordao, C.O.; Moretto, E.M. 2018. Economic ecological zoning for the siting of new hydropower plants in the Amazon Biome, Mato Grosso State. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, v. 17, p. 285-292.


Athayde, S.; J. Silva-Lugo; M. Schmink and M. Heckenberger. The Same, but Different: Indigenous Knowledge Persistence and Change in the Brazilian Amazon. Human Ecology 45 (4): 533–544.

Branco, E. A. ; Roquetti, D. R. ; Moretto, E. M. 2017. The land system as a platform for integration and interpretation of complex environmental-society relations. Sustetabilidade em Debate, v. 8, p. 111-125.

Brasil, W., S. Arrolho, and, B.P. Simão. 2016. Apprendizagem experiencial na formação de gestores socioambientais. Novos Cadernos NAEA, 20: 225-244.

Cristo, S.S.V. de.; Robaina, L.E.S. ; Trentin, R. (2017). Análise fisiográfica da Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins: estados do Tocantins e Bahia. In: Archimedez Perez Filho; Raul Reis Amorim. (Org.). Os Desafios da Geografia Física na Fronteira do Conhecimento. 1ed.Campinas: UNICAMP, 2017, v. 1, p. 1161-1171.

Doria, C. R. da C., Athayde, S., Marques, E. E., Lima, M. A. L., Dutka-Gianelli, J., Ruffino, M. L., … Isaac, V. N. (2017). The invisibility of fisheries in the process of hydropower development across the Amazon. Ambio, 1–13.

Fearnside, P.M. 2017. Amazon dam defeats Brazil’s environment agency. Mongabay 20 September 2017.

Fearnside, P.M. 2017. Belo Monte: Actors and arguments in the struggle over Brazil’s most controversial Amazonian dam. Die Erde 148 (1): 14-26 doi: 10.12854/erde-148-27]

Fearnside, P.M. 2017. How a dam building boom is transforming the Brazilian Amazon. Yale Environment 360, 26 September 2017.

Fearnside, P.M. 2017. Planned disinformation: The example of the Belo Monte Dam as a source of greenhouse gases. pp. 125-142. In: Liz-Rejane Issberner & Philippe Lena (eds.) Brazil in the Anthropocene: Conflicts between Predatory Development and Environmental Policies. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, U.S.A. 364 pp. ISBN 978-1-138-68420-1.

Fearnside, P.M. 2017. São Manoel: Barragem amazônica derrota Ibama. Amazônia Real, 25 de setembro de 2017.

Gomes, C. S. ; Roquetti, D. R.; Pulice, S. M. P. ; Moretto, E. M. 2017. Usinas Hidrelétricas e Desenvolvimento Municipal: O Caso das Usinas Hidrelétricas do Complexo Pelotas-Uruguai. Revista de Getao ambiental e Sustetabilidade, v. 6, p. 150-163.

Harrison-Levine, A.L., H.H. Covert, M.A. Norconk, R.R. dos Santos, A.A. Barnett & P.M. Fearnside. 2017. Dams: Implications of widespread anthropic flooding for primate populations. In: A.A. Barnett, I. Matsuda & K. Nowak (Eds.) Primates in Flooded Habitats: Ecology and Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. (in press)

Latrubesse, E.; E. Arima; T. Dunne; E. Park; V. R. Baker; F. d’Horta; C. Wight; F. Wittmann; J. Zuanon; P. A. Baker; C. C. Ribas; R. Norgaard; N. Filizola Jr; A. Ansar; B. Flyvbjerg; and J. C. Stevaux. (2017). Damming the rivers of the Amazon basin. Nature. 546. 363-369. 10.1038/nature22333.